Monday, December 27, 2010


of all sorts

of rocks and pebbles

of sea shells

of brokenness and beauty
all at once


Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing Kaz that over time the edges become less sharp, the differences become muted, they seem to fit better together in the space, they become as one? Different and yet very much the same. Makes one think....

Kaz said...

Yes, none look out of place.
Yet what amazes me is that maybe not even a year down the track much of what is pictured here will simply be grains of sand...
Nature is amazing!!!

Cindy Ellison said...

Hi Kaz, you are so lucky to live so close to all this beauty! There is so much interest in these beautiful photos!

May you and your family have a very blessed 2011 ♥


Kaz said...

Oh Cindy, there is beauty all around you, you just need to look for it.

Thankyou for your blessings, I pray that You and Clint will be blessed mightily also in the coming year! Pray it in!

Clint said...

I think what Cindy meant to say is that she wishes she lived near the beach!

Love your blog, Kaz---keep bringing us the beauty of our world!